High Court of Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2022 for for Section Officer/Court Officer | Any Degree/12th/10th/7th | 3673 Posts | Last Date: 15 November 2022 |
High Court of Andhra Pradesh Recruitment
The High Court of Andhra Pradesh State has been established in the year 1954 consequent upon formation of the State of Andhra, separated from the erstwhile Madras Presidency with the Principal Seat at Guntur. In the year 1956, Hyderabad State and Andhra State had been merged and state of Andhra Pradesh formed. High Court of Andhra Pradesh had been established with Principal seat at Hyderabad and started functioning with the first team of 11 Hon’ble Judges. Hon’ble Justice Koka Subba Rao was the first Chief Justice of erstwhile High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
High Court of Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2022

In the year 2014, the State of Andhra Pradesh had been bifurcated and new States viz., State of Telangana and State of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad became the common High Court for the two states i.e. State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh as “High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh” w.e.f. 02/06/2014, by virtue of Section 30(1) of part IV of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 and started functioning from the said date at Hyderabad
Organisation Name: – High Court of Andhra Pradesh
Position/No. Of Posts: – 3673
High Court AP Vacancy by Direct Recruitment:
- Section Officer/ Court Officer/ Scrutiny Officer/ Accounts Officer – 09 Posts
- Assistant Section Officers – 13 Posts
- Computer Operators – 11 Posts
- Overseer – 01 Post
- Assistants – 14 Posts
- Examiners – 13 Posts
- Typist – 16 Posts
- Copyist – 20 Posts
- Assistant Overseer – 01 Post
- Drivers – 08 Posts
- Office Subordinates – 135 Posts
District Court AP Vacancy:
- Stenographers – 114 Posts
- Junior Assistant – 681 Posts
- Typist – 170 Posts
- Field Assistant – 158 Posts
- Examiner – 112 Posts
- Copyist – 209 Posts
- Record Assistant – 09 Posts
- Driver (Light Vehicle) – 20 Posts
- Process Server – 439 Posts
- Office Subordinate – 1520 Posts
Educational Qualification/ Experience: –
Section Officer/ Court Officer/ Scrutiny Officer/ Accounts Officer:
Applicant must have passed a 5 years degree in Law or a degree in Arts or Science or Commerce or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification with a 3 years Degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or from any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification. Preference will be given to candidates possessing Computer skills.
Assistant Section Officers:
- Applicant must have passed a 5 years degree in Law or a degree in Arts or Science or Commerce or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification with a 3 years Degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or from any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification.
Computer Operators:
- passed a degree in arts or Science or Commerce or Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act, or State Act or from any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other degree equivalent to such qualification.
- Applicant must have passed a degree in arts or Science or Commerce or Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act, or State Act or from any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other degree equivalent to such qualification. AND Applicant must have passed Typewriting by Higher Grade examination in English, conducted by the A.P. State Board of Technical Education or any other qualification as may be considered by Hon’ble the Chief Justice to be equivalent to the said qualification.
- Assistant Overseer Applicant must have passed a degree in arts or Science or Commerce or Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act, or State Act or from any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other degree equivalent to such qualification.
- Applicants must have passed the 7th class or equivalent examination. Candidates who failed in the Intermediate will also be considered but those who have a higher qualification than that shall not be considered. ANDApplicants must possess a current valid light motor vehicle driving license issued by the Competent authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 with practical experience in Driving a Motor Vehicle for a period of not less than three (3) years with an endorsement to drive a Motor Cycle and Auto rickshaw.
Office Subordinates:
- Applicants must have passed the 7th class or equivalent examination. Candidates who failed in the Intermediate will also be considered but those who have a higher qualification than that shall not be considered.
AP District Court Vacancy:
- Applicant must be a Graduate of any recognized University, and They must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Type Writing-Higher Grade and must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Short Hand-Higher Grade or equivalent examination. Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination Higher Grade are not available, those who have passed the examination- Lower Grade may be considered. They must have knowledge or qualification in Computer operation.
Junior Assistant:
- Applicants must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act Provincial Act, or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification. They must have knowledge or qualification in computer operation.
- Applicants must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act Provisional Act, or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification. They must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Typewriting-higher grade qualification or its equivalent examination. They must have knowledge or qualification in computer operation.
Field Assistant:
- Applicants must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act Provisional Act, or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification.
- Applicants must have passed the Intermediate Examination Conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent Examination.
- Applicants must have passed the Intermediate Examination Conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent Examination. They must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Typewriting-higher grade qualification or its equivalent examination. Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination by Higher Grades are not available those who have passed the examination by Lower Grades may be considered.
Record Assistant:
- Applicants must have passed the Intermediate Examination Conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent Examination.
Driver (Light Vehicle):
- Applicants must have passed the 7th class or equivalent examination. Candidates who failed in the Intermediate will also be considered but those who have a higher qualification than that shall not be considered. AND Applicants must possess a current valid light motor vehicle driving license issued by the Competent authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 with practical experience in Driving a Motor Vehicle for a period of not less than three (3) years with an endorsement to drive a Motor Cycle and Auto rickshaw.
Process Server:
- Applicants must have passed the SSC examination or its equivalent examination.
Office Subordinate:
- Applicants must have passed the 7th class or equivalent examination. Candidates who failed in the Intermediate will also be considered but those who have a higher qualification than that shall not be considered
Age Limit: – 18 – 42 years
Salary: – Rs. 20000 – 147760/-
Job Location: – Andhra Pradesh
Selection Process High Court of Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2022: –
- The selection process will be on the basis of written test/interview.
Examination Fees High Court of Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2022: –
- For OC, E.W.S., and BC categories – Rs.800/-
- For Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, PH and Ex-Servicemen – Rs.400/-
How to Apply High Court of Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2022: –
All interested and eligible candidates can apply through online by using official website on or before last date 15 November 2022
Note: – Interested Candidates Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online and Offline
More Details & Apply Link: – Click here
Official Website: – Click here
Disclaimer: – This material or information has been placed on our website for the convenience of our visitors. We does not guarantee or give any kind of assurance or authentication for the above said job posting. Candidates are requested to verify on their own.
DO Not Pay Any Charges For The Jobs.
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